Annual Recital
Recital 2024: Wordplay
It is with great pleasure that we welcome your participation in this year's show, "Word Play", our 42nd annual recital!
​Each year we strive to produce a show that is a source of entertainment for our audience and a happy and proud experience for our students. The following information serves as an important communication with parents. After reviewing this information, please call or email your questions if we can be of further assistance. A review of dress rehearsal procedures will be discussed during your child’s costume distribution time. We appreciate the opportunity to share this special event with your child and family. Please keep an eye on your email for regular “recital updates” as we get closer!
Recital Days/Times
ALL SHOWS AT Bedford High School in Bedford, MA
Performance: Legacy Dance Company Show with Youth Intensive dancers and About Time Tappers, Friday April 5th @ 7:30pm
Performance: Saturday, April 6th @ 12pm
Performance: Saturday, April 6th @ 4pm
Performance: Sunday, April 7th @ 12pm
Performance: Sunday, April 7th @ 4pm
All 2024 dress rehearsals and recitals are held at Bedford High School, 9 Mudge Way, Bedford, MA
Sunday March 24: Dress rehearsal day at Bedford High. Each class will get time on stage and will get their group picture taken by Mark Lawrence Photography
Monday March 25-Thursday March 28: Full show rehearsals, 5:00-8:00pm. Monday-Show 1, Tuesday-Show 2, Wednesday-Show 3, Thursday-Show 4​
Important Dates​
5 ALL BALANCES ARE DUE. You will not be able to order recital tickets if your balance is not paid off.
8 Graduating seniors get access to ticket sales online
11 Legacy Dance Company will get access to ticket sales online, if you have a zero dollar balance
19-24 School Vacation Week: Regular classes ARE held
26 Rest of studio will get access to ticket sales online, only if you have a zero dollar balance
26 Parent Observations/Costume Distribution begins. See calendar here
1-13 Parent Observation/Costume Distribution continue
24 Dress rehearsal day at Bedford High School
25-28 Show Run Thru rehearsals at Bedford High School (No regular classes held)
29-30 Regular classes are held these days
30 Legacy Dance Company & Youth Intensive dress rehearsal
1-4 Regular classes are held
2 Legacy Dance Company & Youth Intensive dress rehearsal
5-7 Recital Weekend!
10-11 Recital Video Parties/Early Fall Registration
15-21 Closed for April Vacation
22 Spring Session Begins (Register Online Today!)
Recital Ticket Information​​
All balances MUST be paid in full prior to ordering recital tickets. You will not receive a code if you have a balance on your account and have not set up a payment plan.
You can only access ticket sales with a valid priority code, which will be emailed out to families. All ticket codes will be emailed directly from the ticketing website so be on the lookout for anything from Dance Recital Ticketing or DRT. Check junk/spam folders if you don’t receive anything on the scheduled dates. They will be mailed to the emails we have on file on your Studio Director account.
High School seniors will receive an email with a priority code and will have the opportunity to order tickets early on Thursday February 8th at 9:00am.
Legacy Dance Company members will receive an email with a different priority code and will have the opportunity to order tickets early on Sunday February 11th at 9:00am, ONLY IF YOUR BALANCE IS PAID.
The remainder of the studio ​(with a $0.00 balance)​ will be emailed a unique code to use to order tickets online on Monday, February 26th at 9:00am. Once everyone has paid their bills, codes will no longer be needed and everyone can return to the site and order as many tickets as they like
You can order as many tickets as you like online with your personal code but each code can only be used once. New codes may be requested if needed.
Tickets can be printed or downloaded to your device. The Dance Inn will accept a picture on your phone for entrance to the show. You do not need a physical copy if you have your receipt on your phone the day of the event.
All dancers (including preschool & kindergarten) are backstage for the entirety of the show so they will not need a ticket for the show they are in.
It is the responsibility of the parents to complete the ticket order. ​Double-check that you are ordering for the correct show